New Moon Total Solar Eclipse 2021

The Shadow of Awakening - getting lost in being found

The New Moon is known as a time to go within. When the feminine enters into the darkness. She goes through a mini death to then find renewal and rebirth on the other side.

This New Moon will be combined with a Total Solar Eclipse. The moon's orbit will come directly between the Sun and the Earth, momentarily blocking out the Sun and darkening the day. 

Both the Sun and the Moon, masculine and feminine, disappear in the sky, both on a shamanic journey into the shadow to release the old and find a new beginning.

Eclipses are powerful yet they are also often challenging.

The last two weeks have been a pause from the normal flow of life. To go deep within and see what has been brewing under the surface for the last six months, or possibly even longer. 

You may have been feeling a fluctuation between excitement at what is birthing and exhaustion and overwhelm from what is being released. 

Your dreams may have been intensely activated, processing old relationships, patterns, beliefs, habits. 

Often what is happening is taking place in the unseen, invisible realm. So you may have felt confused or slightly off centre without knowing why. 

The thing is, healing and evolving is not easy, it takes patience, perseverance and a lot of compassion. 

We often resist change and look for distractions to draw our attention away from the patterns and behaviours that do not serve.

Growth is uncomfortable, we must shed the old skin, expand beyond our capacity and then establish ourselves in the new form. Only to later do this whole process again.

Sometimes we believe because things do not feel right that we are out of alignment or on the wrong path. But darkness must exist for the birth and dawning of a new day.

At the other end of the spectrum on the awakening path we can arrive at a certain place and think “ahhh here I have finally arrived” and yet this forgets that within Infinity there is no final destination. 

Anything that we “awaken” to is something we eventually will have to wake up from.

This Eclipse is taking place in the sign of Sagittarius - the sign that holds the key for the hero’s journey and the path of awakening. The philosopher, gypsy, free spirit, teacher and guide. 

This Eclipse is here to radically shift our perspective on Awakening. Sagittarius honours freedom and truth above all else. Yet sometimes to achieve these we have to be prepared to let go of the attachments and identities we are most in love with.

Have you been feeling that the more you search for yourself the more lost you are becoming?

Are you ashamed to be seen as having a hard time, as if you are not evolving as fast as those around you? 

Are you seeking for an intense spiritual experience, the drop in of an ascendant master, or an intergalactic 12D council of guides to justify who you are, the path you have chosen and the work you offer?

Have you replaced old addictive behaviors with new attachments? 

Has clubbing and the consumption of substances that altered the mind to pull you away from your pain been replaced with ecstatic dance, intense breathwork and plant medicine? 

Do you justify your desire to get high by calling it a practice? Are these practices genuinely bringing you into a space of peace and contentment, fully accepting what is. Or do they leave you hungry for more? 

Do you join in due to Fear of Missing Out? 

Do your beliefs about what is happening on a global level leave you feeling fear and anxiety? Do they make you feel righteous? 

Does the community you surround yourself with hold you in your pain? Does it hold space for your questions and doubts? Does it provide a safe container for you to voice your opinion - even when it differs from theirs? 

Do your teachers and healers enable your addictive tendencies, putting a spiritual twist on the patterns that distract you from the depths of your being? Do they disempower you, are you dependent on their offerings, ceremonies or healing sessions?

What would happen if you were alone? By yourself for a month...would you still see the light and beauty that lies within? Or is it rooted in validation by others?

These questions may touch a nerve, this Eclipse is likely doing the same.

For me this window has felt like awakening out of awakening. The veil dropped away. I got to see all the ways I have “consciously” steered myself away from what is actually here, right now, in this present moment. 

I genuinely am a HUGE believer in ceremonies, healing, spiritual practices and self exploration. Yet this total Solar Eclipse is asking us to address anything that we do for our own awakening. 

It is urging us to question why we do these practices or go to ceremony? Are we integrating their teachings? Are we truly listening to the messages we receive? 

Are we taking pauses and time alone to ground and nurture our human existence and physical bodies? 

Do we choose to participate freely? Or is it a conditioned response that is founded in insecurity or pain? 

Is it truly serving us in this present moment?

Is it leading us to more judgement, separation and fear? Or to more love for ourselves and all beings, into a place of deep acceptance for what is?


New Moon in Aquarius 2022


Lunar Eclipse - November 2021