Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 2020

We are entering into our second eclipse season of the year. Beginning with this Penumbral Lunar Eclipse and ending on December 14th with a Total Solar Eclipse.

During a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse the Earth blocks part of the Sun’s light from reflecting off the Moon. Therefore although She is in Her fullness there will be a subtle shadow cast upon Her radiance.

This is a time of great transformation. As this year nears completion many doors will close. Many aspects of ourselves offered back to the Earth to rest. These endings may not manifest immediately, it can take up to six months to truly see what course is set into action now. 

This moon is known as the beaver moon, the frost moon or the mourning moon. It is natural to mourn what is passed. The root of the word being “to remember”. Take your time to BE present. To remember. To re-member. Drawing together all parts of yourself for the physical - emotional - mental - spiritual reset this moon offers. Allow yourself to feel. Explore what is hiding from the light of your conscious awareness within the shadow of the penumbra. It has been an exceptionally challenging year for so many. Collectively there is a sense of great change upon the horizon. It is natural to be uncertain of the new, to grieve for the old. Give yourself permission to sit with it all. For in this journey of release we are clearing new pathways of potential. A lesson in softening, surrender and opening to the new. 

We have just experienced the final Pluto-Jupiter conjunction. A symbol of radical expansion and awakening through death - rebirth and transformation. A seed that has started the journey of re-claimed sovereignty. Saturn- the Great Mother who births all through limitation and structure into physical manifestation - will move alongside Pluto and Jupiter until March 2021. This mark the completion of their work together that started January 14th 2020. What has been accomplished during this time both on a global and personal level will shift the face of this planet and the course of our lives forever. 

Now is the time - if there is something deep down that has been whispering to you, getting louder as it desperately attempts to get your attention. Something you know does not serve, something you wish to change. A belief, thought pattern, habit, relationship. Now is the time to offer it back to the Earth. To create space for what is to come.

With this Full Moon in Gemini we are invited to embrace our inner child. The playful, trixter, shape-shifting wild child that wishes to flow, dancing freely upon the winds of change. Free your mind. Release what is rigid, controlling, conditioned. Watch yourself in non-judgment as you change. Without expectation, hope or desire of what form you shall take. For the Gemini medicine tells us it is not about what we choose, what we become, what we achieve or even what happens. It is the process of exploring freely that brings the reward, the teachings, our soul’s evolution. Surrendering deeply to trust and our intuition. 

Trust what is unfolding in your life is happening for a higher purpose. Harmonise with the cycles of nature that surround you. Invite transformation. Welcome the night, winter, the closing of the year and rest.


Total Solar Eclipse - 2021