Holistic Healing

At Awaken Academy we offer a holistic approach that facilitates optimum health and wellbeing on every level. This includes healing of the physical body, within the energy system, in one’s consciousness and life. Teaching and sharing in a way that recognises the interconnected nature of our emotions to our physical bodies and our minds, as well as how we relate to our natural environment and community.

It has long been understood by indigenous cultures and wisdom traditions that there is a constantly evolving interaction between the thoughts we think, the emotions we feel, and the actions we take. This in turn affects how we experience and choose to create our lives. 

Working to bring harmony to every aspect of one’s being and through looking at the system as a whole, we can begin to make profound shifts in our health and wellbeing. Healing from the root rather than solely the symptoms which present themselves.

For example, if someone has suppressed anger they may present with symptoms of an unhealthy liver; it makes sense to treat both the uncomfortable symptoms of the liver directly, as well as addressing the underlying anger too. This can be treated through lifestyle and dietary changes, cleanses, herbal medicine, energy healing, massage, emotional release, breath techniques as well as counselling. At Awaken Academy we offer bespoke healing plans to best suit our client’s unique energetic signature and constitution.

As we bring balance to the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our own being, we can begin to truly thrive. When we heal, let go of our conditioning and begin to live more deeply in the truth of who we are, our daily lives, interactions and relations begin to reflect this inner awakening and harmony.

We are passionate about supporting clients on their healing and awakening journeys, offering healing that works from the root to its full expression. Empowering those we work with to take their healing in their own hands, sharing practices that work on every level of their being. Releasing conditioning, trauma or limiting beliefs on a genetic, karmic, physical, emotional and mental level. Thereby opening the channel to embody the radiant soul that you are.

For those who are ready to become healers, we offer courses and attunements in:

Astrology, Reiki Levels 1, 2, 3 & Master, Elemental Alchemy, Pranayama Breathwork

We work with the following modalities to create a bespoke healing plans for the highest good of those we work with:

Vortex Healing®

Astrology & Medical Astrology Readings

Mentorship & Spiritual Guidance

Pranayama Breathwork

Rebirthing Breathwork

Herbal wellness consultations

Reiki Healing & Attunements

ShaluHa Ka Elemental Rebalancing

Holistic Massage

Horticulture Therapy 
