Spiritual Awakening

Awaken Academy is devoted to the awakening of consciousness. Offering sacred practices, ceremonies, healing and wellness sessions, readings, courses, retreats, coaching and mentorship. At the core of everything we share is a desire to inspire a greater awareness and connection with all of existence.Spiritual Awakening is not to strive for enlightenment, it is simply to realise the true essential nature of your being and then to remember to return to this over and over. There is nothing to attain or to achieve it is a state of beingness that we get to rest in.

Awakening to one’s true nature as infinite awareness can heal feelings of unworthiness, separation, limitation, anxiety, depression, co-dependency and victim mentality. We develop a profound capacity for self love and acceptance, through recognising the infinite, unchangeable part of ourselves. Feeling completely held in a space of unconditional love, we can trust that everything is unfolding in divine alignment. It opens an intuitive capacity to sense and feel the patterns and cycles of life allowing for greater harmony, ease and grace. 

Spiritual Awakening offers a capacity to learn and heal through all the experiences and events that life brings our way. It allows us to claim full sovereignty and responsibility for our lives. Offering the tools to become creators, manifesting our dream realities. 

We no longer stand alone in a harsh world but united, supported and guided. Intimately bonded with all of creation. This inspires a life that harmonises with the rhythms and cycles of nature and honour all life as sacred. 
