Aries Full Moon

This Full Moon invites intensity and initiation. 

Aries is the Sign of the Warrior, the protector of the tribe, the initiator of change, fearlessly stepping out into the darkness and the unknown to find the light. This Moon will invite us to choose courage and strength. To explore areas of discomfort and challenge. Creating an opportunity to truly look at ourselves and the stories we have been hiding behind.

Chiron, the wounded healer, sits right next to this Full Moon in Aries. They activate one another. Chiron reveals to us the belief systems, core wounds and trauma responses that cycle round and around in our lives. Each time we return to a specific theme we get to learn to heal it all over again, hopefully at a higher octave. Ultimately it is teaching us the way of the Master Healer. Chiron in Aries invites us to look at the inner wounded Warrior. 

This Moon brings up wounds from past lives and from our Ancestral Lineage. Do you carry scars from previous lifetimes, or that you have inherited from your blood line? Did you once stand up for the vulnerable, for what is right, and get cut down? Has being strong, courageous and fiercely independent developed into a life of loneliness or a closed off heart? Have your defence mechanisms gone into hyperdrive? Can you learn to love, trust and let others in? Do you chase the highs of glory and the passion of an intense life? Has your nervous system become burnt out and exhausted? 

We are simultaneously experiencing the Moon's opposition to both the Sun and Venus in Libra. The Sun and Venus here are cultivating love, harmony, sweetness and balance. They rest in a Sign that celebrates union, communication and artistic creativity. Although a blessed Sign sometimes Libra can become the people pleaser, hiding behind a facade of beauty, pretending to be ok when really things are falling apart. Libra can also avoid conflict at all cost, or get wrapped up in laziness and apathy. This Moon will break through these illusions and force us to go deeper. Where have we given away our power? Where are we keeping quiet to appease the more demanding people in our lives? An invitation to look at the people who are moulding us to conform to their wants or ideals? Have we given up our true beliefs and desires to fit into the expectations of others?

This is all taking place as Pluto stations direct, a pause in its journey through the sky. Pluto represents death, rebirth and power. What power dynamics are at play? Have we allowed ourselves to become disempowered and lost, choosing the path of the victim? Or have we swung in the opposite direction, grasping at power desperately. This is a moment of honesty. Where we can truly look ourselves in the mirror and face all aspects of ourselves. Are you brave and compassionate enough to do so? This is the path of the Sacred Warrior - Aries.

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Scorpio Solar Eclipse


Libra Full Moon & Jupiter Neptune Conjunction in Pisces