Scorpio Solar Eclipse

Today October 25th the Eclipse Portal Opens with a partial Solar Eclipse taking place at 2° of Scorpio. The New Moon will be crossing over the Sun, at its peak it will cover 82% of the Sun. 

Both the New Moon and Scorpio represent rebirth. This will be a time to release what no longer serves and step into who we wish to be. Both the darkness of the New Moon and the shadow it will cast on the Sun will offer us a profound opportunity to look into the darkness and into our subconscious mind. Be honest with yourself about what you have been hiding behind. What stories have you outgrown? Have you been keeping yourself “safe” but in reality actually being stagnant. 

Venus is conjunct the Sun and Moon also at 2° of Scorpio. She is also on her journey through the underworld, as she is so close to the Sun that she becomes invisible in the night sky. She too teaches us how to die and be reborn as she goes through her dark night to receive rejuvenation and inspiration for her next cycle. She invites us to go deep into the feminine, into our creativity and our receptivity. What is it that we have been dreaming about, wishing we could create and express? Now is the time to rest, restore and cultivate the energy we need. As we come out of the Eclipse Portal it will be the perfect time to birth these offerings, creations and new versions of ourselves.

Scorpio is the sign of the Mystic, the Shaman, Healer, Sage and Psychic. This sign teaches us to wield life force energy to create change on this planet - this is Magic. 

For many years as we stepped away from Nature and a matriarchal society we became afraid of the darkness. Terrified of sickness and death. Holding on desperately to the known, what we can see in the light. Pushing away the unseen forces and invisible realm. Cutting off our connection to the Spirit World and to Magic, afraid of the power that lies there. Disempowering the collective and putting it in the hands of the elite. 

Instead of embracing the beauty of the darkness and the unknown. This has led to the rising of the shadow of Scorpio. Power hungry, dominating, controlling and paranoid. We have turned our back on magic and the spirit world choosing to believe in only what we can know and prove. This has naturally led to huge limitations on our consciousness, our imagination and our freedom.

This Eclipse is an opportunity for Rebirth. How can we return to the mysteries of Scorpio with humility and curiosity. Opening our hearts and minds to the invisible forces of nature. To the power and beauty that is all around. Reclaiming our sovereignty. 

What you will be doing to change and evolve over the next two weeks?

If you are interested in receiving an Astrology Reading to understand how this Eclipse is personally showing up for you right now please feel free to reach out.

My next Awaken Astrology Online Course begins January 8th. This Online Course will take you on a journey that explores the archetypes and myths of Astrology. You will learn to read the Natal Chart for both yourself and for others.


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