Capricorn New Moon 2021

In 2020 we witnessed some exceptionally rare astrological alignments in the sign of Capricorn. The lessons for everyone have been abundant. As we step into 2021 we begin to see the light at the end of this period of intense transformation. Yet here we are again exploring deeper aspects of Capricorn, with the Sun, Moon and Pluto are all conjunct at 23 and 24 degrees of Capricorn. You could see this as a final review of all that took place in the last year.

Capricorn is one of the signs I have personally had challenges integrating and accepting. On one level of it’s Archetype we see the stern, unforgiving father. Bringing control, top-down order, dominion, limitation, governmental structures and separation. In some ways this control feels archaic and outdated. I ask myself “Surely we are ready for something new? Something with greater equality? Where we honour and value the importance of all life - including Mother Earth, the plants and the animals. Where decisions are not made by few, for the few.”

We have witnessed and experienced so much of the Capricorn Archetype in this last year. Global lock-downs, limited travel, freedom, limited connection, long periods of isolation and separation. We have seen governments, the structures that organise our society, taking more power and giving greater limitation. 

Yet Capricorn is far greater than this. In fact it is a Yin sign one that represents and serves the Divine Feminine. The limitation and structure is far more than the mundane governments and laws. It is Binah herself the Great Dark Mother that brings form to force. She offers limitation and structure to the Infinite Eternal Spirit offering separation and individuation so that we can experience life from the perspective of form. She births the multitude of dimensions into reality and offers us the possibility of life - even though it comes along with a death sentence.

The truth of this sign has been wrapped up in the illusion of divide and conquer for so long. We have forgotten it’s true essence to connect to the deeper aspects of our being to see ourselves as children of the Divine Mother. The true essence of Capricorn teaches us to see the visible and invisible structures that are creating our lives. Our Ancestral lineage, our ancestral trauma, our karma, our conditioning, our limiting beliefs. Once we can see these foundational building blocks to our lives, our culture, our society we can see the energetic architecture and the blueprint that is creating the life and planet we are individually and collectively co-creating.

There is no doubt that our collective consciousness is shifting, there is no doubt that the structures and security we once considered to be indestructible are changing. The narrative and the myth we have collectively agreed upon is being re-written. This is what all of this time in Capricorn is asking of us.

And so with this New Moon a time of deep self reflection, conjunct with Pluto the planet of power and rebirth, we get to look once again at what are we creating for ourselves? What are we consciously and/or unconsciously signing up for? What shifts to our own form, our own lives, bodies, homes, jobs, culture, society are we ready to change? How do we want to live? And in my opinion how can we remember our part as children of the Divine Mother, as children and descendants of Mother Earth?

If you would like to follow the Moon Cycles more closely access our Free Lunar Calendar for 2021 here.


Full Moon Leo 2021


Cancer Full Moon 2020