New Moon Libra & Seven Planets in Retrograde

This New Moon in Libra is accompanied by seven planets in retrograde. 

If ever there was a moment to go inwards and to reflect now is that time.

The New Moon comes as the celestial feminine enters the underworld, the darkest phase of her cycle. In this time the feminine disappears from the night sky, crossing the veil into the unseen realm. 

This time offers a powerful connection to the hidden forces of nature. 

It is an opportunity for death of the old and rebirth into the next chapter.

A time to direct your energy inwards towards your feelings, emotions, dreams and imagination.

At this time the Earth is filled with nutrients as energy draws downwards beneath the surface. It is a powerful time to plant seeds both literal and metaphorical.

Libra is the sign of relationships, harmony, music, communication, balance and love.

What old patterns and beliefs relating to these themes are you ready to release? 

What new behaviours and mantras do you wish to carry forward in the upcoming days of rebirth? 

What seeds are you planting? 

What are you calling in?

So what about these seven planets in retrograde… What does this even mean and how will it affect you?

Mercury, Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Chiron and Uranus are all currently retrograde. 

A retrograde planet is what occurs when a planet appears to be moving backwards through the night sky from the perspective of the Earth.

It is a time for all the things that begin with re-

Being retrospective, reconsidering your choices, revising your life plan, remembering who you are, recognising your patterns, recollecting the past, returning to old friends, partners, jobs and locations. 

When a planet goes retrograde it is not about pushing forward, getting caught up in the future, desperately trying to make things work. It’s an opportunity for pause. It doesn’t mean we have to retrace every step, or move backwards. 

However, our awareness is being directed to the past so that we can really take the time to look at all that we have been doing. To make sure we have learned all the lessons we needed, seen all the signs that were there, and cleared anything from our past that no longer serves. So that when the planets move forward again, so may we, unencumbered by our past. 

To give a hint as to some of the themes that may be arising.

  • Mercury - the planet of the mind, communication, travel and technology. Some of these may be put on pause right whatsapp/facebook/instagram going down for several hours.

  • Pluto - the planet of death, rebirth and power. Are you seeing a resurgence of old patterns of self sabotage, or disempowerment?

  • Saturn - the planet of limitations, structures and manifestation. Are you being asked to reconsider your boundaries, or how you have created your life? What limitations have you placed upon yourself?

  • Jupiter - the planet of expansion and awakening - Are you being asked to pause and consider the path you are walking, it is in alignment with your highest purpose and joy?

  • Neptune - the planet of visions, spirit and universal love - are you being reminded of old dreams, hopes and aspirations you once had? Possibly you are being invited to reignite some of these passions.

  • Chiron - the planet of the wounded healer - are old illnesses, core wounds or vulnerabilities resurfacing? What can you do to learn to heal in a deeper way?

  • Uranus - the planet of the genius mind and radical awakening - has something from your past returned to shock you out of numbness or apathy? How can you use this trigger as a point of awakening?

This is obviously quite a few things to consider. 

I believe that this time is not about trying to problem solve your way out of the challenges that these retrograde planets may be causing. 

Or spiritual bypassing or suppressing what is arising, whilst desperately trying to push ahead, by telling yourself “this too shall pass”. 

Nor is it about getting lost in the past. 

My suggestion is to pause, rest, take time, give yourself the space to witness what is happening, to be present, to observe and to learn. It will pass, but better to receive the lessons this powerful period is offering. So that the rebirth and renewal can be fully charged and empowered on the other side.

Wishing you many blessings for this New Moon.

If you are interested in diving deeper into the themes that are arising right now please reach out for an Astrology Reading or Mentorship Call.


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