Pisces Full Moon & Autumn Equinox

Once again the tides are turning and the seasons are shifting.

As we come to this Autumn Equinox the cycles of life change once again. Collectively we are moving into the time of the elder and the wisdom keeper. 

This period takes us from the brilliant light of summer into the twilight zone. 

The Autumn Equinox marks equal hours of day and night as we transition into the darker months. A time to look beyond the physical into the invisible realms.

A potent time to open your imagination. Explore consciousness beyond the waking realm. A time to expand into mysteries of life. To walk the unknown path. 

It is a magical time when dreams become more potent, the veil between the mundane and the spiritual realms thins. Finally we can begin to see what has been hiding from us in the shadows.

What we may find could seem intimidating, unfamiliar or a reminder of suppressed emotions, traumas and pain. However, this is also the path that takes us from the subconscious into our higher mind, the super consciousness. If you choose to take this journey, to consciously explore this realm then you may be gifted with profound realisations, awakenings, unlocking hidden powers and latent wisdom.

Just prior to the Equinox on September 20th the moon will be in her fullness in the sign of Pisces.

Pisces as a sign opens us to unity consciousness. It breaks down the walls of separation and expands our awareness to experience spirit flowing through all life as Oneness.

Pisces is a very mystical sign, the philosopher, dreamer, musician, poet. Lover of beauty, harmony, grace and flow. 

Yet it’s shadow can bring confusion, we can become lost in its realm of illusion. Where the fantasy of the dream pulls us away from the present moment. It can bring up our attachments and addictions. Or our challenges in having a healthy relationship to our body and ego.

This full moon will shine light on all of these themes. It will bring up to the surface all that is ready to release. Whilst offering intensified creative and spiritual potential.

Lastly this powerful portal of transformation is being marked by a Grand Trine between Lilith, Mars and Saturn. This Grand Trine between the air signs will enhance the capacity of the mind. Strengthening our thoughts and our capacity to clearly express ourselves. 

This union of these three planets brings a unique collaboration. Saturn - limitation, boundaries, structure and manifestation. Mars - the masculine energy of force, willpower and strength. Lilith - the liberated dark feminine, that claims her passions, her fury and her independence. 

Together I see this as an invitation for us to fearlessly claim our independence, the magical powers that lay within our unconscious. To courageously take action in following our deepest burning desires and passions. Building healthy boundaries that allow clarity between our individual experience and our connection to the whole. Manifesting the wild, intuitive, beautifully unique expression of the divine that we truly are. 

These are powerful times.

Consider how you wish to spend these days. What thoughts you choose to think about. How you express yourself. With whom you share your energy. What can you do to prepare yourself for this next season of shedding and release to reveal the wisdom, truth and authenticity that lies within?

If you are interested in receiving a reading in person or online you can find out more information here.

I have also created a free mini course exploring the Elements & Astrology. Please feel free to join here.


New Moon Libra & Seven Planets in Retrograde


Aquarius Full Moon 2021